Want to Discover the Secrets to Make Money Online

With Step-By-Step Clarity? Read On...

"After Years of Struggle...

1 Simple Shift Was The Missing Piece That Changed Everything About How I Build Email Buyers Lists to Make Money Online & Provide for My Family..."

Everyone Who's Ever Built a Successful Online Business Knows These Secrets...

And Now I Want to Share Them With You.

Dear Future Marketer,

It's depressing, isn't it?

Even though thousands of aspiring online entrepreneurs will try to make money online this year, very few will succeed.

Some people will build a list and make a few sales.

A much smaller few will enjoy a massive list, grow an audience and make enough to fire their boss.

But nearly everyone else will flush their hard earned dollars down the drain and still be stuck at their 'day job'.

They'll try to build an email list...

...or create an ecom store...

...or buy a shiny object "push-button-done-for-you" product that promises profits...

...and they'll end up with less money than they started.

I know, because I've been there.

Maybe it's even happened to you already.

You start to learn how to build a profitable online business, but you end up overwhelmed and confused instead.

Or perhaps you bought a course or mastermind only to find out they charge more money to learn the 'next thing'.

It's frustrating. It's humiliating. It's exhausting.

And sometimes it feels like no matter how much time and money is spent, you're just never going to make enough to achieve the financial freedom you want to.

Listen...if you've ever felt like this, let me reassure you that you're not alone.

And let me also tell you that it's not your fault if you've tried and failed before.

You see, the reason why you haven't been able to make the level of income you desire is NOT because you failed with the courses and programs you've bought.

They've failed you.

Allow me to explain...

Most digital products and courses are designed to only deliver a small piece to the puzzle.

For example -

An email list building course may have funnel training and copywriting training, but they leave out authority building.

Or, a YouTube Ads training course may train how to generate YouTube traffic, but not how to create irresistible offers, bundles, upsells and JV partnerships.

The sad part is, most courses pitch they are the 'missing piece' to online success.

But the reality is they only share a small piece to the puzzle.

And here's the rub...

They're orchestrated that way ON PURPOSE.

So they can slowly drip out one puzzle piece at a time...

...upselling you along the way...

...putting cash in THEIR pockets, and taking hard earned dollars away from yours.

"If I Just Had The Whole Puzzle Like "They" Do,

I'd Be On My Way to Financial Freedom..."

Ahh, to be so lucky.

But you don't have unlimited time to toil away, glued to the computer night after night until 4am to learn without earning.

You don't have a marketing degree, whiz-bang copywriting skills or a masters degree in funnel building.

You probably don't even have joint venture relationships with other top-level marketing friends who can help you.

So it's no wonder that those other business opportunities, push-button products, coaches and masterminds didn't give you the income transformation you wanted.

It's no wonder that everyone else makes it look so easy, while you struggle to barely cover the cost of your marketing software, auto-responder and funnel builder.

Until now, that is.

By fate, fortune or God's goodwill, I discovered the F4 Profit Accelerator.

The first "Hands-On" Mentorship Program that Guides Aspiring Internet Marketers, Email List Builders and Affiliate Marketers...

...to Build Profitable Email BUYERS Lists in 90 days without Confusion, Tech Overwhelm, or Spending Money on Ads...

...So You Can Finally Build an Online Business that Creates Time Freedom and Money Freedom.

"That's Right, Now You Too Can

Achieve Time & Location Freedom."

Even if You've Tried and Failed,

if You're Confused and Overwhelmed,

and Even if You've Been Stuck Because of Technical Challenges.

It seems a little hard to believe, doesn't it?

After all, you've tried to make money online before but you're not really any better off than before.

So it feels like too much to hope for to believe that this unique hands-on mentorship program really could be the solution to creating the lifestyle you desire.

But the F4 Profit Accelerator mentorship program is unlike anything you've ever tried before.

That's because you will be taken by the hand and walked step-by-step on EXACTLY what to do...

...day in and day out...

...with personal coaching and accountability.

The F4 Profit Accelerator Answers the Problem...

"If only someone would take me by the hand, show me what to do and make sure I did it!"

And when you click to join, you'll:

● Discover the ultimate secret of making money online through leveraged authority + the "F4 KLT Principal"- you simply can't fail

once you know this!

● A surefire way to build an email list of BUYERS (not tire-kickers or non-openers) who eagerly await to open your emails.

● Plus you'll even get your very own funnel, sales pages, and converting traffic sources, quicker and easier than you ever thought


I know, these sound like bold claims.

But I've used these strategies to launch my online business.

I've shared these same strategies with countless other aspiring email marketers and affiliate marketers...

...so that they could finally learn how to use leveraged authority, buyer lists, coaching and accountability to turn on the money spigot.

And I know these little-known digital marketing secrets will work for you too.

Now It's Your Turn to Get Results...

Are YOU Ready to Finally Breakthrough to

Time & Financial Freedom?

Here's a sneak peek at what you get when you click to join now:

  • Instant Access to High Converting Sales Pages and Funnels Just Like This One...Tailored Specifically for You!

(So You'll Never have to worry about being a Mad Men Level Copywriter or a Technical Guru...it's all done for you.)

  • Instant Approval to High Ticket Commission Offers with Recurring Income

(So You Can Fill Your Bank Account with BIG $1k+ Commissions AND Make PASSIVE INCOME Month after Month.)

  • The "Instant Authority Branding Kit" So You Are Seen as An Expert in the Industry to Attract Buyers and JV Partners Like Bees to Honey.

  • The "Buyers List Traffic System" So You Can Generate a List of BUYERS without Spending a Single Dime on Ads or be a Paid Ads Expert.

  • Instant Access to The "Authority Auto-Responder System". You'll Get Pre-written, Personalized, High Converting Email Sequences Automatically Installed for You...So Your New Buyers List Eagerly Awaits Your Emails and are Primed to Buy More.

  • Instant Access to the F4 Profit Accelerator "Providers" Community. You'll Be Immersed and Surrounded by F4 High Achievers, Who Work Hard Day in and Day Out to Provide for Their Families Through the F4 Profit Accelerator.

  • Clarity through Accountability. You'll Have a Dedicated F4 Success Coach, Taking You By the Hand. So You'll Have Full Support, Clarity and Encouragement with a Personal Coach Guiding You Every Step of the Way.

  • The "F4 High Ticket Phone Closer System". You'll Leverage a High Performance Phone Sales Team That Closes High Ticket Sales FOR YOU. So You'll Never Have to Get on the Phone for High Ticket Sales.

Are You Ready to Accelerate &

Shortcut Your Way to Online Success?

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MICROSOFT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: "Heather Carson" and associated free training are NOT considered an income or business opportunity according to the Business Opportunity Rule § 437.1m; “that advertising and general advice about business development and training shall not be considered as ‘providing locations, outlets, accounts, or customers.’”. In good faith, Heather Carson is providing a One-Page Disclosure Document for purposes of consumer transparency.

MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING: This business is NOT advertising a multi-level marketing or network marketing firm, as it does not fit the Koscot test under FTC law. Any individual, without any payment by participants, can become a part of the referral program by creating an account online here. Case reference: Koscot Interplanetary, Inc., 86 F.T.C. 1106, 1181 (1975).

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EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT: Heather Carson is dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals.

We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.

INCOME DISCLAIMER : This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of the company's or the presenter's own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Heather Carson makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site or training material, that you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

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